Follow me as I learn about my divinity, helping people, and sending out Angelic messages.
I have to say that 100% , not yet. But, I'm at 98% and the one thing that set me over the edge at believing that this stuff works, isn't all the "fun" stuff. I'm going to share with you a little story about my grandmother...
She's in her late 70's - She loves my child to death. She's not senile (yet) but is suffering from poor health. She doesn't take care of herself and therefore, is now suffering. She was an avid smoker and drinker until she had to go on oxygen. She loves to eat and is very overweight. She is now bedridden, but - she doesn't have to be. She just doesn't try.
Anyway, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She basically needs to get more oxygen into the lungs so that she can keep pushing out the fluid that collects. She has to have a special diet, eat well, stay away from too much water based, and sugar based products, etc..etc.. Well, needless to say, she doesn't do it.
Oneday she was having a hard time breathing and we had to call emergency. She was rushed to the hospital and sedated. She had a lot of fluid in her lungs and pnumonia was settling in. I thought that her Angel of Death was close by and I knew my mother wouldn't be able to handle it if she were to leave us now. I tell you, I wished more than anything that she would get better. The doctors said that she could go 50/50. But her lungs were filling up with fluid faster than what they could pump out. I felt bad and in a way, I knew I had to do something.
The doctors came in one day and said that the fluid was very mucous like and that she had some kind of black substance in there as well. It was going to be hard work for her to get that out since her intake of oxygen was very poor. I panicked of course and knew that something had to be done. I thought about it all day and at some point, I slipped into "naptime". I'll never forget it - I was at my mom's house and I was just laying on the couch and slipped into that stage between sleeping and being awake - you know, the one where you can hear what's around you but you're still dreaming? That one... well, I dreamt that I was in a little spaceship - and I had entered into my grandmother's bloodstream. (Very , "honey, I shrunk the kids-ish") In this little "spaceship" I was sitting there with a giant toothbrush. (I know, hilarious right?) and once I got to my grandmother's ribcage and lungs, I got out of the spaceship with this giant toothbrush. All of a sudden, the darkness that I was in turned to a bright white surrounding, as if I had a flashlight, and I was able to see clearly the blacksubstance that was on the lung and sticking to the ribcage. Well, as you can imagine, I brushed , scrubbed, and cleaned every bone of the ribcage and cleaned off the lungs. Then, almost as if I were pressure washing the lung, I guess - I rinsed everthing off and drained it. I got back into my spaceship and jetted off. I woke up.
This dream to me was so vivid that my arms seemed tired when I woke up. I felt like I had been working. It was very strange. I ignored and just thought to myself - I wish I had the power to do that for real. Later that afternoon, we went to the hospital. What the doctor told us afterwards, I thought I was going to pee in my pants. He said that somehow, the amount of fluid in her lungs had diminished greatly and that the black substance that was there (I forgot what he called it) - was disappearing. They didn't know how but, her breathing had improved and within a few hours, if all keeps going well, they would have her lungs cleared. Sure enough - by the very next day - She was awake. Mildly sedadated and her lungs were cleared. The black stuff was gone and probably in the next 24hours (after some monitoring) she would be back at home. The Pnuemonia was gone or didn't completly settle - and her recovery was amazing.
That coincidence or miracle made me almost have a heart attack. I was freaked out yet overjoyed. As silly and ridiculous as it may sound - somehow, I attribute my "dream" to her recovery. Impossible - I know! Perhaps it's impossibly possible... whatever happened, made my grandmother recover and quickly. That was a while back and though she had to return to the hospital a few months later due to something else - she wasn't nearly as bad as she was the first time. She's still doing ok today.
After that incident - my 2% belief factor went up to 90%. Then all these little things make up that other 8% bringing me to my 98% - Through this blog, and more "testing" - perhaps I will convince myself of the other remaining 2%. If the key to the secret is visualization, then I do have a vivid imagination. The times that things have randomly come to me, I had visualized it happening and then later, it did. I tell you what though, a few days ago, I had a vivid dream about the lottery numbers. I was sooo lazy that I didn't get off my butt to go play those numbers immediately but, when I did...I found out that the numbers I played - based on my dream - had won the afternoon before. Since I don't watch tv much, I rely on checking things via internet. I bought the ticket and waited a few days and checked later. I saw that my numbers had won but -- I was just 24hrs too late. My ticket was dated the next day... damn - just damn!
Anyway, I shall keep trying. Maybe I'll have another dream or perhaps another bout of luck...
Labels: Believing