Friday, October 1, 2010

100 days of Yoga: Day 1

Thus, my experience in the forest has made me want to become a better person - a more stable spirited and minded woman, and of course, more fit. I've decided to continue doing yoga and I wanted a dramatic change so therefore, I shall dedicate myself to 100 days of yoga.

Day 1: Disaster yoga

So, day one of my 100 days of yoga. The first thing I must do is search for a yoga place near me. I was doing some yoga this summer but the place was so far across town that getting there after work would nearly be impossible with all the traffic. I thought of a place near my house which seemed very warm and inviting so I checked their schedules and sure enough - yoga! Yay!

I show up without a mat or any other accessories and asked about getting into the class. The receptionist was quite and all smiles and happy that I would join them. She appointed me to a very cold room of course with only a few candles and there I waited for class to begin.
I was quite excited about the class because I remember how wonderful and liberated I felt from my weekend in the woods. I was yearning to connect to more people on that spiritual level and doing yoga was going to get me there. As I was off in daydream land, the instructor walked in. Very tall, very tan, very thin. She greeted everyone with tales of her lovely beach vacation. I giggled for a moment because though I had been very close to the beach, my paradise was a lot different than hers. Anyway, she began the class...

I was quite happy when she said we'd start the class with an Om. Of course, after having listened to kirtan chanting in person to a man with an amazing voice - I expected this om to be very similar. The class of 5 people, opened their mouths and let out a big fat...teeney tiny. ... ooomm. It lasted about 3 seconds. I was quite disappointed in that... nevertheless, I decided that my intention was going to be to enjoy this class as I make a step forward in the development of my well being. We keep going...

The flow of the class was good I have to say but, something was missing. It was too cold in there and the music she played was all Jack Johnson-ish. I mean, I love the guy but not while I'm doing yoga. I prefer something more spiritual. We did a lot of things that were very quick and flowing and sometimes she'd check us. We ended with a short shavasana which I think lasted about 8 minutes. All in all, it was ok but the energy I felt in there was nothing like this weekend had been. In fact, it felt only sportive rather than spiritual. I felt like there was a need in there to be fit and do exercise. There seemed to be lacking the meditation part which is also very important to me. I must say that when I walked out of there, I felt even more disconnected and the longing to see my brothers and sisters again returned with such passion that I was ready to jump in the car and drive back just to bask a little while longer in their energy. I don't think I'll return to that particular studio again but it hasn't destroyed my determination. I will complete 99 more days!


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