Friday, June 26, 2009

The Test Drive

Of course, I put the book away and avoided it for several months. I finally picked it up and read about half of it. This was crazy I thought - put it out there so the universe can get it? Insane. - But something pushed me along and told me to test drive it. Ok, fine - I can't hurt. What have I got to loose?

Ok, see it and believe it -- Alright universe - I really need some money. So, I thought about money all day long. Like literally, all day long. Every time I could focus, I thought of finding money, people giving it to me, winning the lottery. I thought about it all day at work and by the time I got home, I was tired of it. I didn't even find one cent. I gave up. Too exhausted. - Then, the most interesting thing happened. I took my daughter out for a walk - a cutie she is. We were stopped by an older woman walking along with her husband I would imagine. She looked and looked and told me how cute the baby was then she reached into her pocket and said, "Can I give her a dollar?" - I chuckeled and thought - a dollar? - Amazingly, I didn't say anything negatively and simply said thanks and took it. She said to please let her buy some candy or a doll with it and that she deserved it... Thanks, and she went on about her way. hmmm Just a coincidence I suppose.

We get in at about 7:45pm: Just at that moment, my phone rings. My friend from a long time ago - he used to live up the street from us but moved to the other side of the city. He came over to chat. He's there not more than 10 minutes when he starts getting a migrain headache. He gives me $20 and asks me to go to the store to find a particular aspirin that he wanted. So, the baby and I leave him there and run to the nearest supermarket. I call him stating I don't see it. He said well nevermind come back. I'm gone like 15 minutes or 20 minutes. I get back, he's feeling better and says he needs to leave so he can make the drive back. I get the money out and say, here ya go - he says to me, "Oh you keep it. I appreciate you running out like that for me". - Interesting...

8:30 or 8:45pm: My mom calls. "Hey, I dropped you $200 in the bank this afternoon. I hope you need it or can use it. " I said mom, why did you do that? I didn't ask you for any money this time. She told me that she knew but she just had the extra and thought I could use it... spooky...

9:00pm: I forgot to get the mail. I left it in the car. So I go out to my car and get in. I grab the mail and for whatever reason, I decided I needed to check the little compartment between the driver's and the passenger. You know, you keep change there, or sunglasses, maybe babywipes... I opened it and there was $10 there. I usually put "emergency lunch money" there because I sit in traffic a lot. Sometimes I need to stop and get a sandwich on the way home. You know what that's like.. - I went inside and opened my mail...

9:10pm: I was opening mail and one of the letters happened to be a refund check from work. I had bought something 2 months ago for a luncheon and turned in my reciept. The check was for $27.95.

11pm: I was doing laundry and found a $5 in a pocket.

So, as I go to bed that night - I thank whatever forces made it possible. I even had to laugh a bit and think ok, that's pretty good. I was still convinced that perhaps it was all coincidence. I mean, finding money that you put away or left in a pocket is normal, right? I mean my mom knew that in the past I needed money so..., and my friend - well ok, that was a lucky strike and so was my kid's dollar. That night, I collected close to $300 - without really doing a thing... but I had to test it further because I also thought, hey - it can't be this easy or this quick...

The next day I woke up feeling quite good. My mother came to visit and I was going to have the night off. A friend phoned and randomly mentioned that a friend of ours was having a house party and she invited me to go. I hadn't been in a very very long time so, why not. As I got ready I said - ok universe, you did a pretty good job yesterday, how about today? I'd like to meet a very sweet man this time around. Show me what you've got.! - I had this attitude until I got to the party.

9pm: We arrive, same ol same ol people. A few new faces from a long time ago. I ate some, chatted up some old friends and danced a little. Nothing happened.

10pm: His international crowd of friends show up - people from Greece, Italy, Spain, and other European countries - they were dancing, making noise, and just having a good time. Reminded me of my days living overseas. From that crowd, 3 people tried talking with me and tried getting my phone number. It was hilarious - I felt like a star! Again, I had nothing to loose so I gave them my email address. I repeated to the universe sometime later - whichever one of these 3 is the sweetest, let him come forth. - (Ok, kind of dramatic right but I thought , hey - this is what they do in movies right?)

That night, a Spaniard talked to me most of the time. We danced, chatted, laughed - it was like a first date. He was the only one who called me the next day and we went out for coffee. He was a very sweet gentleman. Very much so - kind hearted, gentle - amazing! We dated for 3 months, until he had to leave and return to his home country...

Ok, so 3 months go by - had a wonderful time with the Spaniard, forgot all about the ex bf, and it was great. Now what? This guy left because he was on temporary assignment and just now what? Back to the secret. It was working for me. So I said, ok - one more test. I' m going to specify this time...I wrote a letter...

"Dear Universe,
Please bring me the following:
1. a man that looks like George Clooney
2. sweet and nice
3. no issues with working in the USA
4. perhaps should be a foreign guy

(ok, I was smitten by the Spaniard) - The next few weeks proved interesting. I was randomly hooked up with someone via facebook - he was friends with someone else - my friend said oh, you'll enjoy reading his wall and the comments. He had no pictures posted but his quotes and sayings and jokes were cracking me up. Finally I wrote to him and said we should talk. So, we did - he got online everyday (no kidding) and spoke to me hours and hours. He started calling me on the phone and even emailing here and there. He was an Italian guy and when I thought about it, I had never seen a single picture of him. Not one - I finally started asking. He bought a webcam and so did I and in the very first broadcast, I nearly fell to the ground. This guy, resembles George Clooney a lot. He even told me that people tell him this quite often. His mother was greek and his dad italian so he has dark features. He even told me that he works with an American company and has a permanent business visa to the USA...

After that, I stopped making requests. That last one spooked me out because then, I actually started believing that it was working in my favor and it wasn't just some coincidence. I was a little more specific in what I wanted and I got just that - I had to leave it alone because I had just grasped the true nature of what I was actually using...

That brings us up to date. I read the whole book and watched the movie. Did some research online and listened and read some theories and testimonies an dso on. Now that I'm more familiar with it, I want to begin using it again. There's no doubt about it that for me, it works. I have to remember these guidelines though, 1. specify and 2. be careful what I wish for.


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