Follow me as I learn about my divinity, helping people, and sending out Angelic messages.
Wouldn't you like to know? I'll only tell you this - that I am an American female. I will state that a I grew up underneath a southern flag, chewed on sassafras root, and on occasion, forced to drink cucumber water. I had four bosoms to lay my head upon at night but there was never that strong heavy voice to remind me to , "listen to your mother." We saved what we could when we could and when we did, I got a violin, a flute, a clarinet, ballet shoes, soccer shoes, and finally - a prom dress. Life wasn't great, but it was better - better than the other lives I had seen come and go so quickly.
I've always received what I wanted and when I wanted it. Ok, well - some of it. Then the age of 18 came along and I suddenly found myself swimming and gasping for air. It was sink or swim and I chose to swim. I worked my ass off in college, 3 or 4 jobs, no car, studied until the wee hours of the night. Kept a music scholarship in my back pocket then somehow, funded myself through a study abroad program. I learned another language, higher order thinking skills, and got a framed piece of paper with a golden seal from a private institution. -- Darn, I wasn't finished yet. Life had just begun. The real , real world was coming at me and it was coming faster than pieces from a plummeting skyscraper...
I acted quick and got a real job 3 days after graduation. My parents were furious that I didn't stay home for awhile and to this day, I still can't understand why they wanted me to stay in that town. I grew up there, went to college nearby - why did I still need to linger? No way - off to see the world is what I wanted to do, and I did - I pushed everyone out of my way and did what I wanted to do, no matter what but, that was more than 10 years ago...
Labels: part I