Monday, December 16, 2013

The Flight Begins

To make a long story short, I've decided to resign. My health issues were way more important than the paycheck in this case. It's quite scary to have to let go of the only thing I've known for the past 10-11 years. What will I do? How will I sustain myself? I have a plan but I'm not quite sure it will work yet.

I was searching through my pictures and found a great one of my department and I. It's us having a good time on "Nerd vs. Jocks" day. I almost shed a tear because I remember that these people were my life and family for quite a long time. We are so close that it's like losing brothers and sisters. I'd like to say we'll still be in touch but I know their life as a teacher will not allow them to "clown around" outside of work. I will miss them dearly and deeply. I can't imagine myself as a newbie in any other environment right now.

On the other hand, I have to look forward to my daughter. I get to be around with her as she does her homework, talks about friends, completes projects, make breakfast for her and make her lunch on a daily basis. I didn't get a chance to do that too often because I was consumed with paperwork and so wiped out. I don't know how single mom's do it because without the help of my mom, I would have been a wreck.

I can also say that I have started to wake up even more with these interesting abilities. On Sunday, after having gone to see a channel on Saturday, I woke up feeling extremely ill. I had a fever and my whole body  hurt. I figured it was all the fun I had at my daughter's b-day as anytime you're around little kids, you tend to pick up their "cooties". Anyway, I was quite disappointed that I was ill. I had a ton of work to get done yet I was in and out of sleep. Finally, around 7:40 am I woke up and I had an amazing energy that was so strange. I chatted with a friend online and I found myself saying very deep things such as - "I'm ill right now but I equate this with the death of my old spiritual body and the rejuvenation of the newer. " - Random, right?
The energy was so strong I didn't know what to do with myself. I was getting dizzy with energy (or with fever). At one point, I thought I could hear a voice inside my head! I wonder if this is what I have to look forward to? or is this a sign of the fever that I had? Is it symbolic? Either way, it proves itself to be quite interesting.~Until next time; See you fresh and in spirit!
