Monday, October 11, 2010

100 Days of Yoga: Day 6

Back to Basics: ouch!

Ok, so it's been 6 days of yoga, not even consecutively and I'm quite sore. My shoulders ache and my hips feel as if they need cracking. I think even my eyelids are a little sore but the funny thing is that I'm feeling pretty good about it. Rather than thinking how out of shape I am, I have to keep thinking how much work I'm doing to get in shape. That keeps me happy. It's a goal that I can't wait to reach! Imagine that, feeling good and looking good all the time! I get giggly when I think about how much potential my body has. I'm glad to be nourishing it.

Today I decided to take the basics class. I thought that it would be awesome because finally I'd get to learn how to do things the right way. Little did I know that this class would have the most butt-kicking moves! Our instructor didn't make us do head stands or crows or anything like that. Instead, we focused on things like the downward facing dog and plank. Chair and reverse warrior seemed to be her favorites. They weren't hard moves but since we had to hold the poses for 5 to 6 breaths, maybe even 8 at some point, I starting sweating like you wouldn't believe! I could feel the muscles in my core be weak, trying to get stronger, and I could feel my balance a little off yet trying to become stable. At one point I thought I was going to pass out from trying so hard then she came to me and said, relax. I was happy she was there to help me through it and she even held my foot up while we were trying to do something that I can't even pronounce the name of yet.

I was puzzled to think that I had made it through Vinayasa flow and the intermediate levels yet this basic class for beginners was making me need a towel. I can tell that now, I'm finally doing it right because I can feel the energy move up and down my spine, my ankles,through my hands, fingers, and toes. I actually know when my core is engaged and when I'm letting the belly be soft. I was quite happy with my struggle and when the instructor came along and grabs my hips to put them where they are actually supposed to be during downward facing dog, I could feel that pull that everyone else usually talks about. I almost bursted into tears because I kept thinking to myself, wow! I can finally do things the right way! This is amazing! I'm going to be in shape within no time! I loved being there at that moment and it was a great feeling. I'm thinking that this one is going to be my main class. I was glad I chose to go.

We even had one person almost quit and leave the class. About 55mins in a lady rolls up her mat and is about to walk away. The instructor, without stopping what she was doing mind you, looks around and says to her - aw, stay with us! The hardest part is over and you did an amazing job! Just a little while longer? - We all looked over thinking she'd walk out but to my surprise, she unrolled her mat again and grabbed another blanket. I was quite pleased as the instructor then went to her and gave her more reassurance and coached her along through the last two poses. I smiled and I was glad she stayed.

We completed the class with a well welcomed shavasana. I looked around and everyone was panting and sweating. What a great class. I remembered to thank my body and of course, the instructor, for allowing me to feel good. I also thanked Yoga because even today at work, somebody told me that they noticed a little more spring in my step. I had to attribute that to my new found strengths and not weaknesses. Thanks yoga!


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